ADD arduino code everywhere...
finish filling in notes
write definitions

These are the pictures I took following along the Arduino Class by Bekathwia (aka Becky Stern) on Instructables. I did not really bother to take notes as I was following along. I was mostly using the class as a review, to see if there was anything I was in need of a refresher on. Lesson 1 was skipped; Lesson 4 will be completed later. My soldering kit supplies are in Canada, I am in China.
Lesson 2: Your First Experiments
Blink Circuit

Add More LEDs
The same set up as used in Blink, it was just a change in code.



Lesson 3: Input/Output
Arduino board can listen to electrical signals and act based on those inputs.
The teacher had us make a digital input circuit with a switch:
input switch setup image/gif
Pull-Up Resistor:
Pull-Down Resistor:
The Serial Monitor
Then an analog input circuit with a potentiometer (a Pot.)
input pot setup image and gif
Lesson 4: Skills Infusion & Going Further