Published by the Dalian Maritime University Press. (大连海事大学 2017)
2020 Nov 26 - current

This textbook is well thought out. To date, I have only read about 10% of it, as I am taking my time and reading in a manner similar to "running suicides" in sports. A better review will come in the future. Since this textbook was published by a Chinese university, some of the English wording can be a little too overly complicated. I just look up a quick definition on Bing, read the textbook's wording again, and usually, all is cleared up. This method seems to be boding well for me. The concepts covered so far in my studies have been made more clear through reading this book. It was definitely worth the 50 kuai (CA$10, US$8) with free shipping I paid for it on a TaoBao special.
Notes I have written while reading this book are supplemented with other sources. I intend to post them a chapter or two at a time, but will likely not cover all of the chapters. Chapter One notes publishing soon.
Why learn circuit theory? Circuit theory is vital in learning electronics. Without a solid understanding of the laws, math, and practices, one is likely to make many wasteful mistakes. But as I plan one day to start a proper education in EME, I cannot help but put massive pressure on myself studying this and studying it well.
