TL;DR: The Doflye manual, while not completely horrid, really sucks.

When I purchased my Arduino kit(s) from TaoBao**, it came with a Manual written in Chinese, " __ " or "Makers Introduced To Practice". I didn't see this as much of a problem. Over the next few months, I slowly used an image translation APP to learn some theory. The problem with this method is since I cannot read Chinese at this level, I had no choice but to just take their word for it. Another downside to my method: lack of information. The writers of this book decided that just a few quick points would be more than enough.
Example using Buzzers vs Speakers:
There is a full-page, page 85, dedicated to comparing Electromagnetic Speakers to Piezo Buzzers. The author tells you what they are, how they work, how they're made, and some differences.
!! Do not use these notes to study from!!
I will link proper notes in the future.
Linked: here. (if not blue, they're not posted yet)
Notes from Page 85:
Buzzers can be active or passive. Passive buzzers behave like electromagnetic speakers.
2. Some buzzer uses DC, producing sound when current flows through.
How they're composed.
2. Factories fix the frequency when they make the buzzers.
A horn is told what to do by the program [the code].
Speaking of code, this is what tone() and notone() do. No mention of digitalWrite(pin, HIGH) for the use with active buzzers.
In conclusion...
The Doflye manual is not the most complicated thing to study from with an image translator. I find sometimes it can be exhausting to read such confusing English. I have decided to borrowed a copy of "Arduino for Dummies", so over the months following this lesson I mostly had used the Dofly manual as a notebook to scratch on.
**a very popular Chinese shopping App.